Original Post
Automatic Font and Color changing?
Since I don't want to have to type in everything when I post, is there a way to do it automatically? Just wondering, because some people like Fura use the same color on every post.
Go to User CP--> Edit Your Details--> Additional Information. You'll see boxes for Font and Font color in posts.
I did that, but is it automatic? Because when I do preview, it's regular. Wait, lemme post right now and see if it works.
EDIT: Doesn't work.

Come on, please? Anyone?
Last edited by SlipAnc; Jan 11, 2010 at 03:05 PM.
Well, your text is coming out purple and in a different font, so I would think that it's automatic, unless you did it manually for only that post.

Are you sure you entered in the correct coding for the font and font color?
I have already tried that. :/ And yes, I'm doing it manually. This is what I typed in=
Font Color
Comic Sans MS
Last edited by SlyBash; Jan 11, 2010 at 05:34 PM.