Original Post



Clan Aim:
"To rise to the top, and never back down"

Clan User Tag:

Clan Rules:
1. Follow Directions Givin By Your Leader.
2. No Spaming,Flaming, or Disrespecting any other Clan/members.
3. Must Stay active on forums and ingame.
4. If you do not post during a 1 week period you will be kicked out of clan... for unactivity.
5. If you beg, Ask for Tc, ect. Report Him/Her.

Clan Applaction:

Special Talents:
Fav Mods:
Reason for wanting to join:
Previous Clan:
User Name:
Three replays of you without uke movment:


Belt: 6th Dan Black Belt
Rank: 66
Fav Mods: Akido,Sambo,Tk
Specail Talents: Head Textures
Reason for joining: Its my clan
Previous clan: None
User Name: Matt21211.
sweet hell ya.rpl
decaps ICY LDR.rpl
body war.rpl

You Will be tested ingame...

Clan Bank:
Donate to Legionbank

Affei: 6,000 Tc
Kelvin2: 7,000 Tc
Seekuu : 20,000 Tc

Alliance App Must State The Following:
Clan Name:
Why You Want To Allie With Legions:
What might you Bring to Legions:
Offical: Yes/No
Is Your Clan Active:

*Your Clan Will Be Discused by The Clan Leader's*



Clan Story:
From Time to Time in the city of greece many wars have been going on...
most of the civilans have been killed by Romans, and have not yet to see the new world.
In Greece the only person well guarded was the king.. Himself He has trained a group of Greek soilders. they have been trained for 35 years and have waited for a moment like this. Now they Will Rise and Protect what was their's they are Known as "Legions"

Clan Is Invite Only.! Please Contact Matt21211/StellarGod An Post a App On This Forum.
Didn't you do this before?
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Dude that's sad you have to Insult my clan like this....
If you actually want to join apply on our forums with your REAL account
Can Someone Ban him from these Forum's its the same guy before
Insulting my clan for-noreason...
Either he is lazy to make hi own clan or he's tryin to make a joke..
And it must be a 2nd ACC, Can someone Stop this.
...................Unibash Teacher...................