Original Post
Atlantic war
Since I didn't find a thread on it already, I made our own.

Time, date, gmt, server etc., goes here.
you didn't look very hard for the thread.

anyways, we'd prefer to do this on the weekend since our clan is spaced out timezone-wise.

How does sunday or saturday sound?
i was never good with time, and i will never be.
sunday would be good
but seriously i have no clue how to "know" what time it is when the cw will be happening
k since we're half-assing it so far I'll set out clear variables
Scheduled time (GMT-0):


Participants from [sheep]:
Participants from [Atlantic]:

Number of duels per pair:
Alright, now for you Altlantic guys, time to figure out when this would be best. Go to this site and switch to 24 hour clock. Figure out what time it will be in GMT-0 (that current clock). Post a general time you guys want to do this. for example, 15GMT to 18GMT preferebly. Once you guys agree with eachother on a set timeframe, we can figure out when is good for both of us.

As for the mode, I would assume we don't want to go obscure. Certain modes like Aikido BD and Judo Fracture come to mind. Just post suggestions here, we'll agree on something sooner or later.

Participant list will be updated as confirmations for attendance come.

I was thinking each pair (of 1 [sheep] vs. 1 [Atlantic]) would do a 3 round duel, then whoever won best of 3 would earn their clan 1 point. Something simple like that. Of course, open for suggestions as well.

Not a big list to discuss, so lets get to it.
Last edited by KiTFoX; Jan 15, 2010 at 06:55 AM.
Were lazy, Sorry kitfox,

I think our choosen mod will be either akkido or big akido (you can choose which). I think it should be an all day thing, we meet up with you guys in-game and post out wins/loses here.

And sunday is the day of my choice.
were lazy ? :/ zinx seriously .

well kitfox im kind of stuck on that site, im in U.A.E.

im on like err everyday.
so if i get a pm anytime i will just answer and get my boys