Original Post
Setup problem
Well I recently downloaded toribash and when I try to change
options it doesnt change when I clic ok, and when I mark
fullscreen the cursor gets crazy, I installed it 2 times already.
help me please
well, game rules dont work when a replay is on.but the full screen cursor thingie, i can't help you with
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<
what version are you using
3.83 or 3.84 betas?

if betas the resolution have problems

just re download and re install again

remove the program first before re installing though
That's a known bug in 3.84 beta 5 if you check out this thread.

I'd advise getting a different beta client or waiting for a fix.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!