Original Post
selling stuff
im selling this

Chronos Emote Color:24.00tc
Chronos Left Leg Motion Trail:20.00tc
Gaia Primary
Gladiator Emote Color(3):25.00tc 1 Gladiator Emote Color
Marine Ghost(2):500.00tc 1 Marine Ghost
Orc Emote Color:20.00tc
ORC force:40.00tcORC relax:25.00tc
Orc Timer:40.00tc
Orc User Text:50.00tc
Aqua Left Hand Motion Trail:1k500tc
Aqua Primary Gradient:1,500tc(1k500tc)
Gladiator Right Leg Motion Trail:20.00tc
Head Texture:2k
Marine Blood:1k
Marine DQ:500.00tc
Orc Emote Color:20.00tc
Vampire Ghost:1,500tc
Gladiator Torso:20.00tc
Orc Blood:40.00tc
Chronos Blood:25.00tc
Gladiator Left Leg Motion Trail:20.00tc
Orc Ghost:40.00tc
Last edited by Tuppi113007; Jan 17, 2010 at 03:41 AM. Reason: miss something
most of these are for the standard torishop price.
people can buy most of these for quite a lot cheaper in deal finder.
just though id give u a heads up that u might want to lower prices
She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.
omg, u are noob? )

you beetr try tosell them in a youshop, no budy will buy your items for your prices :P

i buy all your items for 1000 tc
ill buy aqua primary gradient for 500tc
NEED BOTH AQUA GRADIENTS(pm me if you have them)
the person above me is gay