Original Post
F**k the school...
Guys, I leave Toribash...
The reason is that I'm going very bad at school, and tomorrow will arrive the result of mid - year... And will not be good...
So I don't know for how much time I'll leave... I only know that I'll miss you guys, I'll try to enter 1 day... But for now I have to be good at school...
I'll also miss another my friends, that aren't in Fr3styL (Ace120, Moltee, Fargle, and other peoples) Sorry guys. Maybe in June I'll come back.

With love,
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
Bye Dave, it was cool knowing you. <3
Also school is very important it teaches you about life and music and maths and all those things that are bad like drugs and cockscockscockscockscockscocks
damn dude bye man i will miss you D: take care with school

you need me to hold anything for you?
Chilling. Rip Urban unit
be good at school. its much more important. but i hope that you come back soon, too
hf % gl