Tourneys was fail because only Stazis had script.. He pinged and not returned.
Without a script. I had to change the mode at its discretion. It's not my mistake.
Mods which was in tourney:
Taekkyon, Aikido, Ninjutsu, Greykido, JudoFrac, Valetudofixed, Timefight2, Deltaboxfixed, Aikidobigdojo, Wushufixed, Stabjutsu, Romanwrestlingbeta (dq flag 1), Lesnhu3, Kickbox, no-mma.
Final match was in altar mod with settings:
Mf 800
Tf 20
flags 4
dismemberment 0
Fracture 0
Dojosize 1000
ed 650
eh 120
gravity -21.82
Winners are:
1st - Samopal - 20k
2nd - Ckytoh - 10k
Last edited by TIcux; Jan 24, 2010 at 06:38 PM.