Original Post
2012 will be the end of the world?!?
post your info what do you think is going to happen in 2012 will we all be gone like the dinasours or will a new change happen post wut u think i really want to kno what other people think about this
|Aeon|OLDA|MasterBelt|Unibash Mod

Do people even bother using the search function anymore? There's been at least five topics on this; they're all either in Rapid Threads, Wibbles, and The Hall Of Shame at this point.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
not to get anyone scared but a planet from outer the milky way called nibris is going to hit earth and destroy it in 3 minutes
There have been over 9000 threads talking about it, and all of them have ended in utter fail.

PS: nothing will happen. Life will go on.