Originally Posted by
wow. Well, i dont think that they should be doing this. For one, its not really that nice... I think it is nicer for them to be shocked. Usually, they die almost instantly.
You should watch the movie "green mile" ;)
If i were on death row, i would much rather be hanged, or shot in the head, or stomped to death by midgets or have my head chopped off by guillotine than be electrocuted. Being fried to death while emptying my bowels uncontrollably just doesn't sit well with me.
When they are getting surgery for their organs being taken out, they are still pretty concious. A part of your mind stays concious even when doctors say he/she is unconcious.
What do you know about it?
I've been under surgeon's scalpel once, because i had peritonitis due to rupture of inflamed appendix (damn useless organ) and was an inch from death. I didn't feel a thing during surgery.
PS: technically, harvesting the organs of death row inmates is a very utilitarian solution, and could be a real way for serious criminals to redeem themselves in face of society. As in....take life - give lives to others.
My only concern lies with the potential abuse of this system and judges "rushing" people on death row.
Last edited by Odlov; Jan 30, 2010 at 09:07 PM.