Original Post
[A] Masked Emo
Head's Show are in the fowling order 128*128 - 256*256 - 512*512.
(it was made in 512)

Current leader Dark6Demon with 3k auto buy Lie

The real winner is Corey

Starting bid 200 Tc
Min bid 100 Tc
Auto buy 3k

Auction ends in 2 days.
Last edited by hhu80; Feb 2, 2010 at 10:36 PM.
sorry for double post but corey can have this one i might get the assassin one

User infracted: Unnecessary double post.
Last edited by hanz0; Jan 31, 2010 at 06:22 PM.
ok 300 Tc bid is accepted and its ok ty for letting me know but the if you did bid for real you would need to bid 100 Tc more than the last.

Currnet leader is Corey with 300 Tc
Bid accepted
Current leader Dark6Demon with 3k auto buy

No More bid accepted Unless He with draws his bid.