Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Yeah ;_;

Basically, i got bored of the forums and game. You could notice that by my inactivity. Btw, sorry for being inactive here.

Anyways, now i decided to officialize my inactivity for an undetermined amount of time. Dunno, might come back later, not sure when.

Bye ya'll .___.
inactivity center noob.

gettin' inactive, not leavin' retard.

don't stress me, faggot.


[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
^ Or is scared of Lucas :o

Well, you'll be back. no further convesation
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola
No be gone be incative.

Fargle's bad-ass maths:

Leave Addicted<Being an inactive fag
JtanK>Nobuddie's cawk
Lucas=correct for saying I spam

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]