Original Post
SlipKn0T's cheap head shop
700 tc or near offer

hello this is my head shop more heads will be coming soon if u want a specific head please pm me and ill do my best to make it.
Is the head in 256x256?
If so add this disclaimer.

The textures shown in the following preview(s) are in 256x256/512x512 pixel resolution. In order to use the resolution shown in the preview, you MUST have the corresponding high-resolution texture item, available in the Torishop for 20,000/50,000TC.
hmm, jsut some constructive critisim
i think the way the hair comes in onto the face is too jaggedy and violent. also i think you dont have enough pieces of hair over the face.

keep trying!
She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.
Originally Posted by PEPSIcola12 View Post
hey slip can i get a reqeust?

Originally Posted by slipkn0t View Post
waht ya mean

i think pepsi whats you to make him a head texture.
She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.