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Jacob Zuma - South African President
Dunno if any of you have been Following Sout African politics, but Jacob Zuma has been our president for a short while now. has like several thousand wives (whos social and home lives are paid for by tax payers) over 9000 children and has, in the past week, had a child who was born out of wedlock. the mother of this child is the daughter of one of our cabinet members...
again, we have to pay for the education and upbringing of this child. and now take care of its mother.
each wife has an army of assistants, docters, drivers and who knows what else. and lets not get onto the topic of their cars...

I dunno about you guys, but i cannot justify why we have to pay for our presidents polygamous(spelling) lifestyle. Obama has ONE wife. as do the majority of the MODERN world.

Oh, if its not clear, i didnt vote for the ANC. i am not going to vote for a man who had to bribe his way out of a rape case, organised the most corrupt business man in South Africa to get out of jail based on "medical" reasons, had dealings with a corrupt chief of police, APPROVES of our national youth league Leader, julius malema, who has made racist comments in front of media and said that they will KILL for Zuma.

Oppinions on our beloved president?

for those who cant put a face to the name, THIS is our president on the left
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Dude. You should get out of Africa, your too cool. :P
All of these ignorant-power hungry pricks is why the world is like it is. You only need one wife.
ya, tempting, but if u live without reading the newspapers or listening to the radio, the country is pretty damn awesome.

done a bit more research on this...
he has 20 children and recently married for the fifth time. he has 5 wives because his culture calls for it. apparently

he's just had a relationship out of wedlock (ofcourse they wont call it an affair).
john terry, just lost his job as captain as captain of the English football team because of his affair. because simply put, the captain of the english football team is a role model to a nation, what does it say when you allow him to get away with cheating on his wife?
yet our president is still our president... nice message to the kids of a nation with the highest AIDS stats in the world hey... no protection and multiple partners...

Though i should have expected this from a man without a highschool education and who says you can prevent yourself getting AIDS by having a shower and eating beetroot

Just heard on the radio(youre gna laugh at this). the African Christian Society, or something, have just said: "we as christians need to forgive him, its what we do, he's made his confession and needs to be absolved of his sins"
this statement sent me into a complete rage when i heard it.
I am catholic, as many of the old debate forum readers will know. and confession and absolvance of sins, is pretty much a catholic thing(just a guess, but i dont think Zuma is catholic). can a catholic be polygamous? have sex outside of marriage? and as far as i know(which i do) after confession comes pennance. payment or punishment for your sins.
he has had none whatsoever.

though i should have suspected this from a man without a highschool education, and who says you can prevent yourself from getting AIDS by having a shower and eating beetroot and sweet potato
Last edited by BenDover; Feb 8, 2010 at 02:28 PM.
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He's like the total opposite of Nelson Mandela... He's just another puppet pinocchio president who is too busy enjoying his corrupt mundane life to even give a fuck about the people of the country.
He's pretty much like José Eduardo dos Santos from Angola... These guys are puppets and they make money out of their submission to the big corporations. They end up selling their dignity, their soul and their countries natural resources all along.
Its sad because with these corrupt politicians the world will always be a place of absurdity and people dying from extreme poverty over nonsense.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi