Christmas Lottery
Original Post
bye ravaged
Yes say goodbye to ravaged and hello death20 !

Sold this account for 375k.

O: and im buying a new one called death20.

I hope you guys dont find this offensive :[

I'll get a name to change to ravvy or rava once i have reached 100 k ( currently having 60 k )

~Death20 is the New ravaged!
Don't beg for things, do it yourself, or you won't get anything
>Sold this account for 375k.
>once i have reached 100 k ( currently having 60 k )

Wat. Also Death20 is gay nick, for serious lol.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
agreed about the gay name

oh clarification time!

The Same guy who is buying my account is selling the account i want for 315 k

Don't beg for things, do it yourself, or you won't get anything
U can actually swap names with both account for the same price(100k) if the person that bought the ravaged account agrees

I almost freaked out so hard when I saw the title. Anyway, get that change quick and shoop'da'whoop everything's fine. ;o