Wallpaper And Logo Shop
Hi Im from CLan In. If you are trying to find a wallpaper or a Logo, you came to the right spot.
Wallpaper sizes cost 6k.
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
If you want wallpapers or Logos just complete the information I give you:
Colors you want in background: ( Black, Purple and White......)
What letter style u want: ( Gothic, Modern, Classic......)
What should the color of the word be: ( White and Black.)
From What CLan are you In: ( Im from CLan In )
What do u want me to put in the image: ( My name and my clans name )
What size u want it: (1280x950 ) Because every computer has got a different screen size so this is important.
Post your image:.( Optional )
What should I put into that image: ( Flame on the hand, Shiny head, My name on top of it )
Waiting list
5 max requests at a time ftw
Well this is my shop and i could accept items.
No trails or grip colors accepted
I will accept flames you don't have to provide Tc for that. . .
I will greatly accept hand texture.
Last edited by BioEx; Feb 11, 2010 at 09:44 PM.