Original Post
Ian502 And Metallolo cheapy shop
Well i know that my other heads didnīt sell so here i will put new heads

dark/light head we have it in two styles. 128x128 256x256 512x215

Robot head 128x128 256x256 512x215

you can request you own heads, but, you need to pay .

The user that requested the head will have a discount of 100 TC other people need to pay the full price.

Please Suggest the price of this head, and i will put the price most convenient. For you

the request form is like this

name : not obligatory
style : cartoon - ripped (copy paste)
colours : auto explain
extra : hats, signatures, glasses, etc
skin : with scales, burned, injured

only 3 request per day
Last edited by ian502; Feb 11, 2010 at 09:41 PM.
You can request sets too.

the body texture and the head, its almost the same request form

Style : Abstract - cartoon - robotic - animal
Colors : self explanatory
extras : signatures, injuries, scales
effects : blur (gaussian, movement, etc), sharpen, lighting.