Original Post
[auction]awesome qs/vamp tribal set auction
im selling this set i recently finished. its the best set ive ever made. c&c is welcome but dont be too harsh. heres the set:

if you win i can also make trails and a flame particle texture for 6k more. if you want matching hand flames for this i can make those too but itd be either 70k (one flame) or 130k (two flames) more. i can also edit the set somewhat for the winner. heres the price!:

starting bid 5k
minimum raise: 500 tc
autobuy: 50k or higher than previous autobuyer (read end date)
end date: 24 hours after last bid or 1 hour after autobuy used. in that hour, someone could bid higher if they really want this set :3

leader: Rakster gold force (15k my price)
Last edited by Deridor; Feb 13, 2010 at 03:53 AM.

Pretty good set, biceps need to be fixed as well as the main body. Make them darker and with more lines to fit in with the other textures

I won't bid, I am just C&C'ing
ill accept items such as texture items and gold force. for the recolor, id have to completely redraw the set so id still be selling this one. id be more than happy to make you a different set like this in vulcan though. pm if you want a different one