[auction]awesome qs/vamp tribal set auction
im selling this set i recently finished. its the best set ive ever made. c&c is welcome but dont be too harsh. heres the set:
if you win i can also make trails and a flame particle texture for 6k more. if you want matching hand flames for this i can make those too but itd be either 70k (one flame) or 130k (two flames) more. i can also edit the set somewhat for the winner. heres the price!:
starting bid 5k
minimum raise: 500 tc
autobuy: 50k or higher than previous autobuyer (read end date)
end date: 24 hours after last bid or 1 hour after autobuy used. in that hour, someone could bid higher if they really want this set :3
leader: Rakster gold force (15k my price)
Last edited by Deridor; Feb 13, 2010 at 03:53 AM.