Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Gbleek's Item Trade for Textures
Hey, I'm looking to get some textures, and have some nice items in my inventory I'm willing to trade. Here are the items I'm giving for textures:

Toxic Blood
Supernova Grip
Camo Grip
Radioactive Blood
Bronze Relax
Beetle Blood
Aqua Blood
Marine Blood

All that. I'm gonna give them all to you, if you give me a selection of the following textures:

1. Right and Left hand trail textures

2. Floor Texture

3. Right and Left Shin and Thigh textures

4. DQ Texture

So, any trades?
Omg ill give you the puzzle set for floor texture plzplzplzplz and if you have a different reqeust REQEUST IT I NEED THAT GROUND TEXTURE
"God praise your soul. <3"
~~[Pain] is inevitable, whether you choose to suffer or preserve sooner or later, [Pain] will find you.~~