Atheism (More Religion)
It has come to my attention recently that more and more people are swearing by atheism, especially in this age group. But what really defines atheism? Disbelief in any and all deities and organized religion? In most religions, you have to prove your commitment to it. Jews have to have a bar mitzvah, Christians and Catholics have baptisms and whatnot, Muslim's are supposed to pray five times a day, I could go on and on. To profess your committed belief in atheism, all you have to say is "I am an atheist." I find that to be incredibly irritating. I want people to prove their disbelief.
Out of all the people who read this, how many of you consider yourself atheist? Now out of all you, how many of you participate in christmas or easter? If you were an honest atheist, you wouldn't.
In my experience, there are three types of atheists.
Poser Atheists: The majority, and probably, most of you. Consider yourself atheist because honestly believing in organized religion has gone stale socially. You still celebrate christmas and whatnot, and tell people your atheist to make you seem "edgy and hip"
Pushers: another large portion, these people tend to try to prove that they are superior to those who follow a religion. They try to push their atheist beliefs on religious people. Mostly do it to make them seem rebellious. Probably follow christmas and the like.
Honest Atheists: people who consider themselves atheist for their own personal reasons, maybe because of a particular incident in their lives, or just their outlook. They don't try to force their views on anyone else, and they don't follow any organized or commercialized religious holidays.
How you do prove your atheism-ness? There are no holidays, no gatherings, nothing. It seems like an empty statement. I decree that from now on, we should have atheist holidays. I'm going to be fertilizer day, there is nothing after you die day, let's sit around and worship our iPods, etc. I can imagine commercialized atheism within the next few years, most people know that this category of individuals is ripe for profit.
Atheism is based solely on your personal beliefs, it doesn't need to and shouldn't be public knowledge. The reason why I am so annoyed is because whenever I talk to anyone about religion, they mostly always tell me, "god doesn't exist I'm atheist." If anyone was to ask me about my beliefs, I'd probably tell them I'm jewish. Personally though, I consider myself agnostic. There could possibly be a god, but I have yet to see any proof.
Anyways, debate go.