Original Post
Are you dead?
If you I don't get a few lovely posts flowing around here soon I'll have to have your board removed, ladies.
Lamp, sorry to tell you, but i think they are dead, Vx7 hasn't logged onto steam or anything in AGES, i haven't seen any members on multilayer in a long time, and 50% of the members have left without saying anything.
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
I'm an old member (ID12345 got nick changed to Jan_miguel)

still looking at this board sometimes

but yeah we can say this clan is dead

the newest posts are seemly to be 2weeks I guess
it was good when it lasted
yea, the clan fell down, i checked the forums alot even after i left, but vx7 was nowhere, ALSO i saw Im0 today... different clantag ;_;
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]