Christmas Lottery
Original Post
+Noob Question...
My bro has Win7 installed and has toribash, although we have noticed that his menu seems to have open SUSE across it... why is this?

ive read that SUSE is something to do with linux?
Basically openSUSE is just a free and Linux-based operating system (for your PC, Laptop or Server). It allows you to surf the web, check e-mails, manage photos, play videos or music, and some other stuff. But I really don't understand why its a problem or what problem you are haveing.
OpenSUSE is a normal operating system just like Ubuntu or any other Linux operating system.
Though Windows and Linux has nothing to do with each other, so it's basically impossible for you to have openSUSE on windows 7.
Well it's not but that would require a virtual operating system.

Also I'm sure this is not a support question, seeing as support is for Toribash related issues.

If you really want to find out what's up, then feel free to post in wibbles or rapid threads, I'm sure they'll help you there.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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