Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
How to Throw a Six and a Half
It's been almost two months since I took the replay on. The replay makers upstairs have always been a nice enough crowd, asking every chance they get if I need help getting that skeet. But all that jazz is simply out of courtesy. If you look, and I mean really look at their faces when they say it, the way their lips press together so thin their mouths almost cease to exist; they're really wanting to make the score themselves, and who can blame them? An unlikely occurrance such as this, a combination of skill and chance would scare the wits out of the most hard-boiled of men.
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The flip in the beginning kind of looked unrealistic, because none of Uke's joints moved in that time. But the rest was excellent, but I was hoping you would of done something with Uke's lower area of his body.

[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else

That flip was so fast I needed to slow it down. that is good. I like that. the kneecap is excellent and you were able to make it flow. That is good. i like that. The arm dm is the textbook thing to do after that kind of kneecap, nothing special there, but hey, it's a dm. Then all the punches and kick barely grazed uke, but that's good, because it lets you keep speed, and you used it. And the skeet? fuck you. just fuck you. god dammit. The pose was a holdy tripod, and it made me sad to see that at the end of such a great replay. 9.5/10

you sir, need to stop not making replays. but yes, thanks for the skeet help as mentioned in your post. You all know it was me that needed it :<
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Fast and fluid manipulation, awesome dms and awesome skeet.

I'm sure it wouldn't have been as good if it had booms. Great replay Tamer. o/
<~Phoenix_afk> fu
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm glad to get a few posts and a bit of critique off it as it did actually take me about 2 months to make that replay, although 95% of that was getting that damn skeet to connect. At this rate, I might just make another replay this year!!

Anyway yeah, any more comments and/or criticism would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys.
Looks like you just threw it 100 different ways, and it ended up hitting the head that time. Not much skill went into that part if you ask me.

Well, that's basically what replay making is to a certain extent - editing your replay a significant number of times until you get the outcome that you want. As I see it, this is pretty much the same for every difficult to achieve skeet shot, boomhit, etc.

If, on the other hand, you happen to get what you want first time and it looks amazing, then couldn't you just put that down to luck? I'm sure not even the best replay makers have the skill to get exactly what they wanted out of a replay on the first few edits every single time. Sometimes it clicks for you, sometimes you've got to persist and try '100 different ways' until you get it right.