Christmas Lottery
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Shock tolerance
Not sure if that's best name for this topic, but should work.

So, right now, I've got another question to you, addicts. How do you react to shock images and other things? Like, some extreme gore, feces and other disguisting shit. Both on the internet, on photos, and maybe irl.


About the photos, I pretty much don't react to them at all. Shadowelf could quote me, I could watch pieces of human who was burning and stepped into a huge mixer filled with anti-tank mines and eat a ham sandwich along with no reaction.

Theeeeeen, movies and so. I'm not moved by brutality in the movies. Some gore has a bit stronger effects in a movie than on a photo, but still, 0 + a bit isn't much.

Now, the bizzare thing. Words, stories, both said and written. I react to them quite a lot. I could watch a photo of guy having an open fracture because of being hit by a huge hammer. Not much of reaction from me. Then, I could read story of a guy who was hit by a huge hammer, which resulted in open fracture. And it makes me "ewww", quite a lot. This is quite strange.

Aaaand last, IRL. Not really sure how disguisting-things tolerant I am, because I (thankfully) don't have ocassions to get shocked. Well, I almost shat my pants when my knee was fucked and blood was coming out in huge amounts, but that was also caused by pain and so. And obviously, reaction to shock is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay stronger when thing that shocks is related directly to you :V So that doesn't count a lot I think.
However there was another situation, uh, a dead dog was lying on a pavement, with quite damaged head and covered with blood etc. I was just slightly like 'huh' and no more reaction.

So I could say I'm quite resistant to such things. Not sure if that's good though, lol.

oh, also, fyi, don't fucking dare to post shocksites here, shit isn't really legal here ;V
Last edited by JtanK; Feb 22, 2010 at 08:25 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Typical reactions of a gamer, huh?

Sooooo, I seriously don't like them... I just don't like 'em...

I think stuff like that in movies is like ok as long as it's to much. I mean, Saw and stuff like that are pretty useless and stupid in my eyes but I had a few "EWWWWWW *throws up*" reactions on some stuff..... lol

I seriously don't react on stuff that's coming in books, I'm mean if it's part of a story, but if the whole book is like that it's also like stupid to me again. And it also depends on what kind of gore and shit is being part of it. I mean if someone gets sliced by a sword in his chest, it's ok to me. BUT if someones bawlz are hit by a hammer or something like that, then I'm like " AAAAAAAAAAAAWTFWHATISTHISIDONTEVENAAAAAAAA".

I hadn't had any contacts with stuff like that in real life. Ok, when my elbow was half opend I was like "Yea, and what now.... BOOOORING!!!!". But if some animal lies on the street, hit by cars and the brain's pouring out of the head and stuff, then I'm like "EWWWWWW D:"...

Overall I'm actually not very resistant to stuff like that....
I'm pretty much the reverse of Jtank.
Stories don't offend me at all, any way you tell them, you can't get me shocked or anything. Pretty resistant there.

But once it comes to pictures and all, you got me. Like, I don't go like "OMG INDIAN WORK ACCIDENT, HE SMASHED HIS HEAD OMG OMG OMG" I'm more like "Meh.. Okay."
Then once again, when I first saw that ED Offended link, I was like " Alright.. Eww." etc, but that wasn't too hard. But it was my first contact with real gore, even though it's not the hardest of all. Anyway, then I stopped at the half, and I still asked myself "What would come next?" So I went through it in 10 minutes, I was like "Why do you do this to animals? Why.. But after all, I was kinda "happy" to be through it.
Movies suck. They don't offend me at all. Splatter and all that just suck.

What does offend me is something like that 3 Guys 1 Hammer video.
When I saw that 3 Guy 1 Hammer video, I was near to puke. I never saw anything as digusting in my life and I felt so bad to opened the link, I literally was choking because of the brutality shown in there and I can't get how disgusting, offending and insane people can get. It literally blow my mind. Now I mostly forgot it, and I don't look at gore too often unless I see some by accident somewhere etc.

tl;dr Version: I'm totally resistant against movies, texts and pictures, but real gore videos offend me hard.

Nice topic by the way.
About stories shockthingies, I meant real stories and things written in papers more than books. I'm totally allright with novel of polish writer [recommended to me by Shadowelf btw :D] which describes details of decapitating people to get their brain for scientific researches, or people decaying alive because of disease called azurite leprosy or so.

But when I read 'A man lost his arm because of warehouse machinery fail', I'm like ewww :C

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Shock tolerance, good question.
I'm not sure.
I can look at dead man, loads of blood etc. But I can't stand poop, old food and such.
I read lot of books with gore and I can stand it without any problems. I can watch horrors with gore It's not problem for me. The most scary moment in my life was when I hited wall by my head. I thought I'm okay but when I looked in to mirror I was like "omgwtf" my face was in blood D:
Oh yeah I forgot that real life part.
Never actually happened to me, except for one time. I was 8 or 7 and was riding my bike alone, on a "shredded stoneway" (Picture)

Well then I was riding my bike and then I suddenly stopped, fell over the handlebar and landed with my face. Ofcourse I immediatly started crying, because I was still very young there, though I think I would still cry today, it hurt so bad. Well then I walked home crying with my bike, like 500ms and my whole way was seen because of the long bloodline. Then I arrived at home, looked in the mirror: My hole face was shredded and fucked up. I don't have any scars though, I'm happy bout that. And I also once landed on a street. Almost hurt even more. But atleast It just burned, not bleeded, cause there were no sharp edgy things.
It's like nothing. When I was young I fell from swing after it I couldn't move my neck for 2 weeks :s
Last edited by shadowelf; Feb 23, 2010 at 08:00 PM.
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
post shocksite

no jtank

i kill jtank.

ok ?

Okay, since ages ago, I always could understand your words. This ended now. I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING IDEA WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, FFFFFFFF.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
I can listen to gorey or gross stories, because it's too hard for me to picture in my mind what it is. Whenever I see a gory video or picture, my limbs feel weak. If there's a photograph of a hand that has been cut off due to an amputation, my wrist and hand feel weak. There was this one thread in wibbles where after searching the site it gave for a while, I found this section about amputations. It was disgusting.