Christmas Lottery
Original Post
I need Forces an relaxes!
hi guys, (if you have any that are NOT on the list, then ask me if i want)
im in search of the following:
SuperNova: Force or Relax
Ecto: Force(preferably) or Relax
Shaman:Force or Relax
Hunter: Force
Azurite: Force
Cobra:Force or Relax
Velvet:Force or Relax
platinum: pack
if you have any please post,
happy selling!

Edit: i can pay with Toricredits or United States Dollars(usd)
Last edited by 77Ghost77; Mar 11, 2010 at 11:33 PM.
i got a cobra force :d

2k off dealfinder

Found: Cobra Force for 13,000 tc 50.00% off

i can haggle if u want
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
Kolosus, i will trade quicksilver force for raider force
Dragoblade, 5k
YouaredeaD, Shaman force is only 15k on no