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[Free] Free heads :D
Hey,here are some free heads.I will add some more later.

Give me some ideas for more please
Tint is sex.
Shouldn't you give credits for the people who you got the idea from because one head looks like Gravye's head and one looks like my Orc head ( a bit ). All in all they are very nice heads, glad to see you are helping the new players .
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Originally Posted by kingcumber View Post
no because they are free and he made them .

Well he should atleast just say who inspired him or gave him the idea to make a similar head, I had an orc head which looked very similar to the purple head which I sold, I can show you a preview of the head if you wish to see it and the bird head was copied from Gravye which you can see in the request's section, sorry for being a backseat mod but that isn't very creative.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Great heads.

Ideas for more
: More animals.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.