you guessed it
yea. i have been less and less active and i don't forsee a change in the near /notnear future. so i am officialyl "quitting". it has been fun. never thought I'd get into a clan, let alone one like urban...let alone play toribash for more than 3 years. when i am a famous violinist and I have my own studio, i will put up a clan pic on my wall.
for all of you from outside the US, keep being foreign. everyone else: you suck go get a job (jokes). and stop calling me magicpoopy (more jokes).
^--you know, over 3 years, not ONCE did someone call me magicpoopy, or any variation with poop in it : (
so sad. closest someone got was like, David Copperfield (thanks rutz)
just kidding about the clan pic
i will not be putting up a clan pic on any wall that is beyond the domain of this computer/the interwebz.