Past clan members-purple
Anything i'll record it here:
Stellargod- Mw2 (XBOX360), Mw1 (Pc), Ballad of Gay Tony (360), Computer Games, Bioshock 2 (360), and Many more!-
Affei -
StellarNinja -
GanGuan[COLOR=gray] -Earth Eternal,BattleForge
Kelvin2-Cod6/4/Assassin Creed/ Saint row 2 /Gears Of War 2
[/COLOR=blue]C[COLOR]hiversxbox360 : Halo3 , Call of Duty MW2, Battlefield Bad Company (2nd soon !), Burnout Paradise, Forza motorsport 3, Bioshock, GTA IV, Lost planetWii : New Super Mario Bross, bit.trip beat, bit.trip core, ...DS/DS-i : Tetris DS, Castlevania series, Starfox, Sonic Rush, Metroid Prime Hunters, Flipnote Studio, Korg DS-10
Bibble's - L4D,BioShock,Team Fortress 2,Resistance:fall of men
Izzy162-CoD MW2 (its not CoD6), Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Halo 3, Call Of Juarez, Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Fable 2,