Secret Santa 2024
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Translate sentance (French, Italian, Spanish) 20k

Any native speaker that can translate the following sentence.

You cannot send any more replays at this time. Please wait a while and try again.

- First to translate it correctly get 20k / country
- only native speakers
- do NOT use google translate
- do NOT use Rosetta stone or other translation programs


We use the following translations for replay
fr - Rediffusion
it - replay
es - repeticiones

Best ones so far (please say something if you think your translation is prefered):
fr - "Vous ne pouvez plus envoyer aucun redifusion en ce moment. Veuillez attendre un instant et réessayez." (vins84)
it - "Non puoi inviare più replays al momento. Attendi un po' e riprova più tardi." (slash13)
it .2 = "Non puoi inviare altri replays al momento. Attendi un pò e riprova più tardi." (dave)
sp - "No se pueden mandar más repeticiones al momento, por favor espere e intente de nuevo." (alan)
Last edited by hampa; Mar 4, 2010 at 03:23 PM.
should replay stays replay? or should it be in french, too?

Vous pouvez pour le moment pas plus loin "rejoue/replay" envoyer. S'il vous plaît attendez une minute, puis essayez à nouveau.

instead of " une minute " you can put " un peu ".

minute is like " a short time " and un peu is more like " a while "
Last edited by Nirs; Mar 2, 2010 at 06:27 PM.
-got the devil on my shoulder; the lord is my witness.
Inglish->Italian=Non si possono inviare più replay per ora.Si prega di provare in un altro momento.
Last edited by Weddark; Mar 2, 2010 at 11:38 AM.
Italian: Non puoi inviare più replays al momento. Attendi un po' e riprova più tardi.
Visit Toribash Italian Forums! | Proud Member of [Σ] | [ORMO]
Spanish: Usted no puede enviar más repeticiones en este momento. Por favor, espere un momento y vuelve a intentarlo.
Originally Posted by Shiko View Post
Spanish: Usted no puede enviar más repeticiones en este momento. Por favor, espere un momento y vuelve a intentarlo.

this translate is not very correct, the word "replay" its not very traductable, I would recommend to use it in english instead, and if send is used as upload "enviar" should be subir
Spanish: Usted no puede cargar más replays en este momento. Por favor, espere un momento e intente de nuevo.
Originally Posted by Sebaa View Post
Spanish: Usted no puede cargar más replays en este momento. Por favor, espere un momento e intente de nuevo.

How would it be with "repeticion" instead of replays?
Originally Posted by moggomatix View Post
should replay stays replay? or should it be in french, too?

Vous pouvez pour le moment pas plus loin "rejoue/replay" envoyer. S'il vous plaît attendez une minute, puis essayez à nouveau.

instead of " une minute " you can put " un peu ".

minute is like " a short time " and un peu is more like " a while "

rediffusion for replay