Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Heres some of my fav toribash fights
I went through my auto saves and looked at all the fights i did against clan leaders and elites I'll link u a few fights that were my favorite.. a few was me vrs Manbreakfest,Scarvain,smilie2, Ninja Leader KillerninjaJ and a bunch of other people that i had fun fighting against ;))

i'm not gonna be greedy and show the fights where i won only i'll show the ones where i got owned too I couldnt find any really "good" Ones i'm having to search through loads of files
i know you said "i'm not gonna be greedy and show the fights where i won only i'll show the ones where i got owned too I couldnt find any really "good" Ones i'm having to search through loads of files"
but really. please DON'T post replays that you got owned, that's their job
Last edited by Zinkon; Nov 11, 2007 at 06:47 PM.
I don't care if you lose or not...
But if you can't find any "good ones," don't post the crap ones you do find.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.