Original Post
[A] Gold Force / Gold Relax / Gold Blood / 1 TC Starting bids!

start bid: 1tc
min raise: 1k
autobuy: 10k

start bid: 1tc
min raise: 1k
autobuy: 10k

start bid: 1tc
min. raise: 1k
autobuy: 10k

Auction ends 48h after last bid.
10th dan black belt
Visit my ArkenStore
so... i won the gold blood auction
I already sent tcs. now send me the blood.
Edit: for your records: "You've sent 5000 toricredits to Arkenvoss"
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
oh I won the joints

For your records...

You've sent 10000 toricredits to Arkenvoss

waiting for force and lax
wishful eyes deceive me