Christmas Lottery
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Upper Body Removal For Both chars
Okay So i was experimenting in Single Player Mode And i came across this super wierd move I got a replay on what it should look like when finished heres the Way u do it
( Use Ur Custom Char, and Put him in stiff)

Contract Hips
Contract Pecs
Raise Shoulders

Space x2

Sticky Hands
Lower Shoulders

Space x3

If it works Both Bodys should Rip in Half with ur custom char still holding onto Uke's head

Add anything else of ur own to make it better if you can ;)

pm me if this move does not work

Also the reason i gave directions on how to do this move is cause some people might find it interesting and wanting to know how to do the move too ;)
Attached Files
Removal.rpl (14.4 KB, 38 views)
Last edited by Bloodude; Nov 11, 2007 at 10:53 PM. Reason: explaining why i put the directions on how to do it
SamoanOG, don't spam with emoticons. REALLY.

On topic: "pm me if this move does not work" If you arn't sure it will work or not, don't post it. o.o
Steam ID: budster650
Originally Posted by Bloodude View Post
I mean if they dont get the move right or down correctly they could tell me the prob or something ;)

If they did get it wrong, they probably mis-read, or you made a typo.
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
i made a better way

do erevy thing he said than after the last step raise your
shoulders and u can do any thing

heres a replay
Attached Files
who who.rpl (22.6 KB, 19 views)
How is this weird...?

It's just a double split. I guess it's good/weird for a nub though ;)

Time for elaborate limp decaps!
I'm still experimenting but if you do it right and raise your shoulders at the end you can decapitate Uke by hitting his head against your feet.