------------------------------Member info------------------------------
Name: Cameron
Age: 15
Birthday: 28/11/1996
Skype: i dun think thats right and i dun even remmeberz
Transformice: Staromg
Hobbies: nthng i hve n0 lyf ko
XBL: N/A (huehue i got an xbox recently, 25/12/11)
Games I currently play:
Not toribash, Transformice, SUPER MEAT BOY!
Name: adrian
Age: 24
League of legends: adrianus (challenged)
Hobbies: gym, lifting weights, squatting, benching, rugby, curls, dead lifts
Games I currently play: wii fit
Name: Zachary (Call me Zac)
Age: 13
Skype: zacanator2345
Steam: Zacanator2345 (ID: BathTubba)
PsN: Tubba75
E-Mail: [email protected] (I block Emails I don't recognize. Make the Subject your name followed by 'To Tubba')
Hobbies: I like to play a lot of games, forum, and Minecraft. Minecraft a lot. I usually make games out of games (I host my own custom Minecraft games -- PM Me). I also am working with a friend and fellow raku member (Gryphon) on a new game (Specs released soon!).
Games I like to (/will be) playing: Transformice (BathTubba), MtG:DotP (On PsN probably, might go Steam if my PC can handle it), CoD:BO (PsN), Dead Space 2 (PsN), Minecraft (BathTubba), Two Worlds II (Wont Bother Unless You Ask - PsN).
Name: Risa
Age: 15
Birthday: 14/9/1995
GMT: -5
Things I Enjoy: Playing Wii, making things in blender, reading, drawing, swimming, playing games such as Boulderdash and The Game of Things, petting my chickens, etc., etc.
[email protected]
Skype: risagryphonwang
Facebook: Risa Gryphon Wang
Name: Duke
Age: 13
Birthday: 06/12/1997
Xbox Gamer tag: ConfessedGravy6
Games I Play: Halo Reach, MW2, Cod: BO
Hobbies: Swimming, Running, Gaming, Making Textures
Email: [email protected]
Name: Zac
Age: 15
League of legends: Zac08 (bronze V)
Hobbies: Soccer, beach, sucking copious amounts of cock
Games I currently play: Toribash, Skyrim, LoL, gay sex simulator 2014
Last edited by Fear; Oct 3, 2016 at 08:20 PM.