Original Post
[head] colection
I just wanted do post here all my heads so i dont have to create a lot od posts, just to make it easier. plz ur recomendations make me get better

(plz ignore the invisible part at the back of the dragon eye, it doesnt really exist, it was an error produced by GIMP, dk how to fix it :P)

EDIT: if u feel like helping this hopeles noob u can allways buy me a head... xD
Last edited by nahuelkpo; Mar 17, 2010 at 10:54 PM. Reason: edited mario head
you can fix the dragon eye one by right-clicking on the layer and select 'remove alpha channel'.
how to improve: more shading. try to make every new thing on a new layer, its easier to do shadows and such this way.
about the dragon thingie xD, its not an error in the flat img, it was an error produced when i animated it, anyway thx for the comments , obut the shadow thing, i think ill stard doing more detailed heads from now on so... ill sure be using that and i hope u rate em too ;)

EDIT: wow that was odd, when using paint.NET i didnt have that problem with the dragon eye, but the gimp thought that that last part was part of the alpha channel u were right Hucota7, thx ill post the new img as soon as it gets uploaded ;)
Last edited by nahuelkpo; Mar 17, 2010 at 12:37 AM.