[S] A couple of things
Well, I'm short on tc and I have a few items stacked around somewhere, along with a few accounts.
The items can be found
The accounts are Roronoa_VI, Malinka and Dimi.
{ username: "Dimi", userid: 181897, games_played: 2028, rank: 1371, qi: 2028, wins : 1023, loss : 1005, win_percentage : 50 toricredits : 0.00 }
{ username: "Malinka", userid: 634337, games_played: 112, rank: 3, qi: 112, wins : 111, loss : 1, win_percentage : 99 toricredits : 0.00 }
{ username: "Roronoa_VI", userid: 139404, games_played: 4068, rank: 464, qi: 4868, wins : 2287, loss : 1781, win_percentage : 56 toricredits : 0.00 }
I will accept tc, forces and relaxes only. Forces and relaxes will be valued as half dealfinder price.
Last edited by lsl; Mar 20, 2010 at 01:12 AM.