Original Post
god damnit
Today, i installed Toribash looked like a pretty good game... wasnt. Firstiful controls are the worst ive ever seen, there should be buttons like j to punch, k to kick etc, but there arent. I wondered how i punch cause my character just fell down instantly. I watched those videos in the site. They say nothing about gameplay. Like "stretch abs" Do i look like i know how to stretch something? Or relax? or anything else? NO! This game must have a tutorial mod, in multiplayer every1 cuts off my head and i ask them how i play they say "**** off noob play singleplayer" yeah yeah whatever i dont know how to play and u tell me to play single player? ZOMG. This game must have a nice tutorial, much much better than the one in site. Like :"OK, you do this to relax, relax does etc etc etc."But theresnt. I asked people "this game should have better controls, like j to punch etc" they said "ZOMG NO LOL NOOB" ... i dont get it. I asked people that do u have fun of this crap. They said yes. Im posting this cause the game looks cool. If it didnt i would just uninstall it. Please someone help me out. Thanks.
Re: god damnit
Do you honestly think, that everyone here Instantly knew how to play Toribash?

We all started out clueless, sure it takes longer to get into than other games, but the results are 10x more enjoyable. Once you get the hang of it, the game isn't hard to use at all.

If you're gonna quit, you'll never find out how truly awesome this game is, Give it time.
You'll learn how it works eventually.
Re: god damnit
Thats what happened to me!I couldn't figure shit how to play the game.But I came better and better by reading the toribash bible and other people's moves.Then I know how things work.You gotta chill in this game!It is turn-based so you have (some) time to think about your move!CHILL!

Re: god damnit
Originally Posted by danny_the_manny
Thats what happened to me!I couldn't figure shit how to play the game.But I came better and better by reading the toribash bible and other people's moves.Then I know how things work.You gotta chill in this game!It is turn-based so you have (some) time to think about your move!CHILL!


don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: god damnit
LOL now i know how to play, learned it its pretty fun i just didnt know what joints do what, k now i get it.