Originally Posted by
have simple black style and it fits to my room ;d
^ inspiration.
Sooooo, talk a bit about your rooms D:
First set of questions:
a) Wall colors/overall colors of design
b) Stuff in your room
c) Messy or not
For me:
a) Green walls + green curtains + green cover on red-crimson-orange bed (I used to have a green one D: ) = green design. However, if I was to choose, I'd make it all fucking orange :D
- Loads of wardrobes and similiar stuff, commodes etc. I've got entire wall of that.
- Two desks (one for computer n stuff, second for writing/reading/all the rest of stuff)
- Dartboard +darts :D
- A good TV (it's a bit old but still quite modern and I like it, it's enough for my uses)
- A radio which I love because it can play music from a pendrive [and I've got all my music on one of my pendrives :D ]
That's everything worth telling I think.
c) Kinda mess, but definitely not as mess at it COULD be. Of course my parents think my room is lair of everything that can be not-tidy. Actually, I tidy my room each um... each important day lol. Holidays, birthdays of somebody in family, visits and such. Not so often D: I love the state of semi-mess in my room. I can find everything easily and stuff (and it's fun when my mom looks for something for 15 minutes, then asks me where is it and I show it after few secs xd)
Add next questions to the set if you wish.
Also I won't add photos of my room because I don't feel like it. My camera disappeared in some mysterious happenings :V