Original Post
[The War On The Pluto]
Guys I've made my first cool project.

--[The War On The Pluto]--

The blood is kinda shit, but I still like it.
Please c&c. I'll upload more, to let you keep in touch with the project.
Donations still come handy.

Elder 3ds Max Thread.
bro of davidovsky
I like the idea and it looks cool

I also like the position of the camera
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Medieval weaponry, bows by the looks of it.
"We are the music-makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Tyler: I'm trying to make it better.
Pigking: It's a bow. Watch the picasa album, and you'll see it from another viewport.

Please rate guys. /10.
bro of davidovsky
does NO ONE take notice of my CONSTANT posts?

sticky thread at the top of the art forum page
really not that hard to miss

closing this due to lack of tags and copious amounts of incompetance.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-