Christmas Lottery
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Embarrassing, embarrassing...
Ever been in an embarrassing situation where you just thought "what the fuck did I just say/do" right afterwards?

This just happened to me. Came home from work, met a girl I once dated. I'm still interested in her.

She was happy to see me, smiled and was like... "heeey ", I wasn't prepared, didn't expect her... and just answered something like "hey. I have to go. Bye." because the bus doors opened.

I feel weird and uncomfortable now. Gotta fix this with some alcohol ffs.

So yeah, tell me your stories yo so I don't feel weird all alone.
Hmm... not exactly embarassing but eerie as fuck:

This chick I like was supposed to come over yesterday, but she sent me a message the day before saying she couldn't go because of "problems at home", which she didn't want to talk about. Today, I send her a text asking if everything's better, and haven't gotten a response for 3 hours and a half. Gah, feels so awkward.
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
Ever been in an embarrassing situation where you just thought "what the fuck did I just say/do" right afterwards?

many times. mostly amusing
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
many times. mostly amusing


Most of them are horrible, and you stay like wtf did i just say?
lol wut
I'm a pretty sarcastic guy, no one takes anything I say seriously unless I put my :l face on.

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~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Try having your lover dump her boyfriend for you and you not knowing so you say 'I want to forget everything'. Embarrassing and bawful.
Show a bro some love.
many times. feels like a knee to the stomach every time.

like the rare occasion where you do a joke which (really) isn't funny, just a spur of the moment, and everyone just goes quiet... that's the worst situation ever.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
many times. feels like a knee to the stomach every time.

like the rare occasion where you do a joke which (really) isn't funny, just a spur of the moment, and everyone just goes quiet... that's the worst situation ever.

I know, lol.
Try this: If someone you dont know very well is setting up a joke, and your not in to great of a mood, just keep a straight face, the ENTIRE time. Dont even laugh to make it less awkward. Makes you feel like kindof a douche at first, but later you get to laugh at him.
i almost shit myself when this one happened. I was taking a walk with my girl, and we were watching some clothes to give as a birthday present to a friend of ours. I had my arm behind her back. I let go for a sec to watch a dress closely, and when I grabbed her again, she had moved from there, and another girl was in her place. I just yelled sorry, shoved my hands inside my pockets, and ran to my girl. My face was probably purple by then. i told her what had happened, and asked to never move from my side without telling me. she laughed. i did my = < face, and we bought a dress for our friend.
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