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Your most coolest/best judo moves :)
Yeah so as the title says, post your coolest/best judo moves and tell a bit about em, for example the name you have given for your move
Last edited by Kuningas; Nov 22, 2007 at 10:26 PM. Reason: No reason
I have been doing a lot of unsuccessful judo moves Got bored of the same ol' kick, so I am trying to recreate Johnny Cage's nut punch. It's all about spreading those glutes wide...and on turn 2 lettin' them have it in the junk :O Uke approves
extend gluts, con pecs.
It's awesome.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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t3h clap of death, never fails...
but judo has become a kicking fest...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
When I have my sexwhore head on, no one can out pelvic thrust me. One guy tried and his legs broke off and his ass dropped off. MSW's rancid thighs devour all :O
kun? wat u on about?? the replays i posted say otherwise =P

trains favorite rhyme: "i must... i must... improve my pelvic thrust"
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I can pelvic thrust your penis.
You'll get white blood.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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That's what I want pure for. Besides, you haven't told us yours yet, Kunilingus :O I want to hear more of this dividing men in 2
This is an epic move, for people who want to fail or succeed in the first round:

grab left hand
extend left wrist
contract left elbow
contract left pec
contract right pec
contract right elbow
grab right hand
torso twist right
lean left
contract abs
contract left hip
extend left glute
contract right glute
contract right hip
contract right knee
contract right ankle
extend left ankle
// It's not a synchronous operation.
// Someone could get in there with the shock paddles.
// At which point, I'd return()
while (1>0) { while(alive) {code();} if (!alive) {return;} }