Bionicles :D
I was looking around my room and noticed my collection on the shelf. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, shit is so damn cash :D
I remember, back in the days I had a friend who was collecting bionicles too, together we had pretty huge pack of them, we used to play long hours with them. We were making stories and such, like a roleplay. It was TOTALLY AWESOME.
Then, sadly, he had to move out of the neighbourhood (before he lived just next to me, few steps and I could knock on his doors).
I totally love memories of playing with bionicles. I even have some thoughts that I'll buy some when I'll be adult, haha :D
Right now I could find:
- black from the very first series
- brown bohrok
- red and green from second series
- white, blue and black from third series
- blue civilian
That's not much, but together we had waaaaay more, we had like, all the series completed, over 9000 bionicles overall. We had those epic ones like light toa (Taka?) and the evil boss Makuta :D
Seriously, I think it was best part of my childhood.
Do you have them bionicles? :D Story time.
also making use of fact that I obtained that damned camera, I can get you photos of my bionicles on my bed, in battle poses xd