Original Post
this is my first absolutely useless mod. there's really no objective and very little room for tactics, it's mostly a physics toy

the idea is that there's a tube, into which tori can launch his head to rocket at uke. they also have cannonball hands, which work a bit like the shuriken in throwingstar.tbm

i'll include alternate versions (instagib head and hands and a longer tube one) soon

i didn't embed the settings because there's more variation if i don't

so, here are the preferred settings:

engagedistance: 1900-1950
engageheight: 0
DM treshold: 100 (DM on, naturally)
Attached Images
cannondemo.JPG (37.2 KB, 27 views)
cannonwiew.JPG (31.1 KB, 26 views)
Attached Files
archlurpscannon.tbm (1.2 KB, 28 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Nov 24, 2007 at 06:37 PM. Reason: screenshot & preferred settings
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Screen shot?
Tripstone says: heh
Tripstone says: clanless sucks
masterjepo says: Evolution isn't any better
masterjepo says: Cave man
and eng distance / hight? wow... plz oh plz add lots more

Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian/ I speak in three weeks to the entire auditorium (Thats just the beginning.)
sorry, i'll include that stuff right now.

my sister was shooing me off the computer while i was posting this, so i forgot stuff

pirate- the head comes off the same way as the shuriken in throwinstarmod.tbm, only on another axis, so that it spins inside the tube. the friction is also removed so that it won't spin itself out of the other end
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!