Christmas Lottery
Original Post
ive been trying to join servers but it hasnt worked then i finally joined one but it got boring so i was looking for more servers and saw hampa was in one of the games so i tryed like litteraly 20 time to join but it wont let me i was one of those 500tc/1000tc servers and it just wont is it because of my belt im a orange belt but i also saw alot of people in that server please help me
Either the server was full, QI limited (belt requirement) or something else along those lines.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
if you saw more orange belts in the server it was full look on the right there should stand how many can get in it and how mane are in it
TheCobra's Server l room l 3/10 (3= how many there are in/10= How many there can get in)

hope i could help you.