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Need serious tech support halp!
okay so i am thinking about getting a EVGA Geforce 8600 GTS 256MB Gddr3 card , and i am wondering if it will be compatiable with my ddr2 ram.
Please refrain from using all-caps titles.

Also no it shouldn't be in Support. It has no connection to Toribash whatsoever. Moved BACK to Discussion.

You have pretty much the same card I have, and I have DDR2 RAM. It will work.
you should get an 8800 gt, it doesn't cost that much more and it tripples the frame rate.

Originally Posted by sincrest View Post
you should get an 8800 gt, it doesn't cost that much more and it tripples the frame rate.


Two 8600 GTS'es in SLI give way better performance than an 8800 GT and cost not that much much than a single 8800.

A single 8600 GTS has approx 65% practical performance in regards to an 8800 GT, and it costs way less. I would know, I had a choice, and tested both with a few games. (FEAR, Doom 3 for example.)

Cost/performance ratio is far better for an 8600, because you probably won't need the performance of an 8800, so the major price jump isn't justified.
okay thanks, but i am a cheep bastard so i am most lily gonna buy 8600 GTS, i am currently running a Nvidia 7300 GT
I prefer the 8800gts 640mb option! :P

Extremely fast. Wonderful framerate... 300fps on factory settings in HL2 then I overclocked it to get 450fps - goes down to about 400 in a firefight!

One thing, make sure you have a decent CPU else there's no point in buying a new graphics card.

(Also Jok, not everyone supports SLI and my 8800gts can be overclocked to be better than a factory-setting 8800gtx)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
I'm with vablz on this one, though the 8800GT is cheaper for roughly the same.

One of many who don't support SLI is nVidia themselves. One year after the 8800s and Vista were released, and it still doesn'twork under x64. Bollocks to that.
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Most likely candidate to rediscover Toribash every 3 years.