Original Post
I dig it, the design is simplistic but awesome-- I especially like the use of gloss on the "N".

back from the dead
dont like the colors but the disign is cool
qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 4/10
I love MightyMouse <3

wow bloobing.

anyways. I think its cool and looks nice and shiny and whatnot. gj

8/10. but ill give u a 9/10 cus macs are awesome.
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
oshit that's nice, really hard to give CC to that, nice reflection, along with all the color try make like, more highlights or something of color? but overall 9/10 since it does seem a bit basic.