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[Set] BLue Crystal
This is my first attempt at a set in Photoshop, I've been using Gimp in the past so the change is interesting. This is currently my set but if anyone likes i may consider selling it. So Constructive Critisism is greatly appreciated
I finally took a shower :D

I think it is filter or brush spam all over the set,the leg is blurry while the thigh is Hq,saying that I like it's overall feel,6/10 and I think you can sell it for about 5-10k
Originally Posted by william405 View Post

I think it is filter or brush spam all over the set,the leg is blurry while the thigh is Hq,saying that I like it's overall feel,6/10 and I think you can sell it for about 5-10k

Well thanks for the feedback... I'll work harder on my next set
I finally took a shower :D