Problem Players...
This thread should be stickied.
I was on my way to play Aikido, and thats when I ran into a racist name that caught me immediately off-guard!
Click Here for a screen-shot.
I immediately addressed the person, and his buddy Pancakes11 started going off. I said a couple words, and was like fine this guy is pissin' me off. So I play, NL22, and lose. So, then Pancakes11 is like I have a rope in my trunk want me to get it for you NL22. NL22 was like sure let me find a tree. I was so offended that I just blew up. I would rather not say what I said in the game on the forums... mainly just a bunch of
F-Bombs, but just to be safe I didn't want to repeat what I said. You may understand once you look at the link you will understand why I abbreviated his name above.
This started on November 27, 2007 at 9:47pm in Aikido, in Server 3.
Wasn't sure where to post this so yeah.