<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.
Could you recolour? I got pure force and demon relax,could you recolour the radio to pure or demon to pure and radio to demon? Could I see both versions when you're done?
I really love this.
OH And radio into demo possible too?
I might change the platinum colored accents, I am not feeling them.
i AM feeling them though =/
if ur gna do a colour change, just dont do a colour please. go pure black or something
youre one of the few people confident enough to work with simplicity of design and colour. its what i like most about your work
keeping only the eyes a colour creates an epic focal point. i wouldnt even add colour to the body parts. k well maybe hands and torso...
Planned on making layered legs with a few spikes,
all pretty basic and all really sharp. There is more shading than you think
on this head though, every layer has a shade, and two highlights.
Summing up to nearly 50 layers.
I am not planning on adding color to the rest ;P
Maybe a lifeline or something, really minor stuff.
Remember this is still a BASIC set, so only head, legs and triceps.
I might make more if it's popular enough and if I get a bid that's worth my while.
This head is great. I really like the eyes, and the smoke-ish trails coming off of it.
I also really like the way that you can tell so easily which plate is overlapping with
which plate and which one's on top, and which one's on bottom. I'm trying to find
a mistake in this head so that this comment doesn't sound like I am obsessed with
you, but I can't seem to find anything. I can't tell if the eyes are mirrored because
there isn't really a clear shot of the full left side of the eye, but if it is, I would try
to change that. 9.5/10 because I hate rating things 10/10. For some reason I find
it... I can't think of the right word, but I guess it would be a toned down version of
pathetic? Idk.