Original Post
Hi everyone, not sure if this is common knowledge or not but I think I learnt a way to scroll up during talking ingame.

To do it:
Near the arrow keys on your keyboard are two keys, PgDn (Page down) and PgUp (Page up), Pressing PgUp will scroll and vice versa for PgDn.

As I said, I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not so please tell me nicely and not flame please.Thanks.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
its old, pretty common knowledge.

and also press tab to increase the size of the chat area
Originally Posted by toritori9 View Post
Hi everyone, not sure if this is common knowledge or not but I think I learnt a way to scroll up during talking ingame.

Congratulations, you win +5 internets.

(it's common knowledge :P)
hey dudes, i didnt know that for awhile that should be posted, in support anyways, along with a big command list.... but ya this is a good place for noobs to find it because it is the most popular part of the forums.