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[RAM]Sharing Thread

Have some problems? Let us help.

Here you can share your recent problems, and feelings. Let us help you with problems. We can share ideas, talk about stuffs, to make us friendly and closer to each other.

Have fun and feel free to share!
Last edited by vexon459; Apr 22, 2010 at 11:12 PM.
not dead
im having problems... my problem is that i get bad grades
for good work at school i produce a good piece of work in school
and this realy strikt teacher grades it low ¬_¬ onli coz
i made a bad first impresion she hates me for ever!
so you teachers!
When everything fails. [RAM] doesn't .
[Baltic] [RAM] [wushu leguevl2]
u should talk with teacher about that after lesson go and tolk to her about "what i have to do if i want better marks teacher i really want to improve can u help me?" or sth lol
it always helps me
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Go -snip (does not exist)- and find out yourself.
Also this is not the place of asking this.
Last edited by vexon459; Apr 24, 2010 at 05:31 AM.
I am back yo!