I bought a right hand texture for 1800 from this dude and i didn't recieve it.( I went to textures on my shop page and pressed activate and it didnt work. after i pressed it, it told me to purchase it.) http://forum.toribash.com/market_view.php?id=8316
That's the page
Ghandi once said "Jump off the cliff or i'll push you"
well i purchased it so i'm pissed. i just lost 1800 tc.
plus ,if you look at my transactions i should have 2400 somethin tc but i actually have 600 somethin tc. it doesn't add up how i lost that. http://forum.toribash.com/tori_trans_hist.php
Last edited by radclaw1; Apr 29, 2010 at 12:38 AM.
Ghandi once said "Jump off the cliff or i'll push you"
well i purchased it so i'm pissed. i just lost 1800 tc.
plus ,if you look at my transactions i should have 2400 somethin tc but i actually have 600 somethin tc. it doesn't add up how i lost that. http://forum.toribash.com/tori_trans_hist.php
Same here. I just 256x256 bought floor texture from torishop and hunter primary gradient off of somebodys shop. Its been 20 minutes or so, my toricredits have gone, but the items haven't arrived. I'm a little pissed off to have just lost 32k. Somebody help me out.